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Windows 10 Altum Pro 1607 (x64)


About : 
Windows Altum is yet another release for the Numix series , it's updates and with the most stable release of windows 10 Anniversary Update and the latest security updates , and this same experience any user would want to have with an untouched windows but with more a pleasant look .
[​IMG] Release info : 

Name : Windows 10 Altum[PRO].iso
CRC-32: 8D81AB13
SHA-1: 13EADEB37DAA8ED4CE850065FDD5E8647AD9FB78
Compression : ESD 

[​IMG] Software integrated 

Both softwares are not pre-installed so it's totally up to the user to install them with a single installation from an msi file on the desktop . 

  • Aimp 4 + Skin
  • Rainmeter + Skin
  • Preactivated
[​IMG] Updates

Yes , All Windows 10 RS1 (Anniversary Update) till 2/6/2017

[​IMG] Screenshot






[@aXeSwY] & [@tomeCar]

The only support will be provided by us many other websites
will reshare this release (Few we trust) but we do not guarantee it's clean due to many attempts to install backdoors malwares and adwares
So please download from the links below or the torrent files 

[​IMG] Direct Download 

Windows 10 Altum[PRO] aXeSwY & tomeCar [TEAMOS].part1.rar
Windows 10 Altum[PRO] aXeSwY & tomeCar [TEAMOS].part2.rar
Windows 10 Altum[PRO] aXeSwY & tomeCar [TEAMOS].part3.rar
Windows 10 Altum[PRO] aXeSwY & tomeCar [TEAMOS].part4.rar
Windows 10 Altum Pro 1607 (x64) Reviewed by Hound Soft on May 04, 2017 Rating: 5

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